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EECP Presentation

Click the video do the left to hear Medical Director Joe Caceres, M.D. give a detailed description of Enhanced External Counterpulsation, how it works, and who are candidates for the treatment.  

What to Expect

  • The EECP patient lies on a comfortable bed with a series of pneumatic cuffs (similar to BP cuffs) wrapped around the calves, thighs, and buttocks.

  • Three electrodes are placed on the chest to monitor the heartbeats.

  • The cuffs will inflate and deflate in time with the patient’s heartbeats.

  • Cuff inflation occurs after each heartbeat—during diastole—providing a squeeze to the lower extremities and pushing the blood toward the heart. This increases the blood flow to the coronary arteries that provide much-needed oxygen and nourishment to the heart muscle.

  • Rapid cuff deflation occurs before the next heartbeat. This creates a void in the blood vessels of the lower extremities. This decreases the effort exerted by the heart when it contracts during systole.

  • Blood pressure changes are monitored by a sensor placed on one of the fingers.

  • Vital signs are obtained before and after each treatment.

  • The EECP therapist remains nearby to facilitate effective therapy, and ensure patient comfort.


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